Holdover eviction
An eviction case a landlord can start to ask the court to have a tenant removed from an apartment.
An eviction case a landlord can start to ask the court to have a tenant removed from an apartment.
The AMI is a statistic generated by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for the purpose of determining the eligibility of applicants for certain federal housing programs. Housing…
Any additional charges or fees for a service already included in the rent or in excess of the lawful rent
Affordable housing can refer to: Income restricted Housing Housing Regulated because of its funding stream Housing available to households making a certain % Area Median Income Housing accessed through the…
A rent-burdened household spends more than 30% of their income on rent.
A landlord can file a nonpayment case to claim a tenant owes rent and ask the court to order the tenant to pay rent. If the tenant doesn't pay, they…